Booking partners

Every great idea begins with a small step forward.

Tablemanager means —

Give you more opportunities and visibility

We were telling you about visibility with our Tablebooker App, so we can’t help but highlight our partners.

Visibility —

Highlight your restaurant

Over time, Tablebooker has earned your trust and has become the online reservation management tool for restaurants par excellence.
Thanks to you, we have been able to grow and develop partnerships to offer YOU even more possibilities and visibility.

Today, it is possible for you to increase even more your visibility via the sites ( : soon ) , , or

But also, via the app Tablebooker and KBC which counts 1 million users!

Boost —

The visibility of your restaurant

To boost your reservations, we have planned several integrations! As a Google Partner, we can assure you that your customers will not be able to do without the “book your table” button displayed directly on your Google page!

Attract —

More customers thanks to social networks

We can also integrate our reservation module on social networks and thus allow your subscribers to book directly in their favorite restaurant in a few clicks!

Control —

Your database

You have a Mailchimp account?
Synchronize your database with your account in a few clicks. Or our Campaign Monitor module will allow you to send your mailings directly from Tablemanager.

Promote —

Your restaurant during events

You can promote your restaurant via events that we organize with partners such as Restodays, the Jongkeukengeweld, Cera young restaurateurs, or the KBC Diner Experience.

Finally, you can also link Tablebooker to Wonderbox or to the Bongo, Social Deal.

Call us now on +32 2 352 22 48 or have a specialist call you back.

Fill in your details and we will call you back as soon as possible.